Strictly Medicinal

Located in Williams, OR

About the Farm

"We’re Strictly Medicinal, located in the town of Williams in Southern Oregon. Back in 1985 our family (the Cech family, pronounced “check”) started Horizon Herbs, LLC, growing gardens of diverse medicinal herbs. Because we were fascinated by seeds and medicinal herbs, and at the same time couldn’t find seeds for many of the herbs in which we were interested, we started collecting the seeds from our gardens and selling them through a homey hand illustrated catalog. The first catalog featured then 8-year-old daughter Nadja’s drawing of a Calendula flower on the front. We still have a copy of that catalog kicking around somewhere!? Many seasons have come and gone, always moving us a bit closer to our goal of understanding the appropriate habitats, germination requirements, life cycles and uses of this totally diverse offering of fascinating medicinal herb, permaculture and vegetable plants."

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