Katydid Hill Farm

Located in Orwigsburg, PA

About the Farm

"For us, regenerative farming is always about learning and trying to do our best. Just as often as we get things right, we mess things up, so to say we have a perfect system for growing herbs wouldn't be true. What we do is put lots of care and heart into growing the herbs for you. Let's dive into some details. Since I (Katelyn here!) became the caretaker of this land in 2016, we have always followed USDA organic standards and have been Certified Naturally Grown since 2017. In fact, I never learned any other way to farm - wouldn’t know how to use an herbicide if I tried! I finally decided to buckle down and fill out the extra paperwork in order for the farm to become USDA Certified Organic, which will be official in 2023."

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